onsdag den 12. maj 2010

Testing grinders for WBC

What is an espresso without a grinder?

I had the oppertunity to test 4 different grinders evaluating my espresso for WBC.

I asked Rune L. Home barista Champion, 2009 and Mobak Founder of http://www.espressobar.dk/ .

Rune and Mobak was so kind helping me - giving feedback during my preparation for Danish Championship. Their approach is quite different which help me to think outside the box...

- so they will be helping me for my preparation towards WBC as well together with Sine, my assistant.

One of the things I decided I want to improve was my espresso. So I will be using two different espressos.....

two espressos=two grinders...

So I tested these models.

  1. Mahlkônig k30 twin, old model

  2. Mahlkônig k30 twin, new model/WBC model

  3. k10 Compaq

  4. Mazzer, Rubur with digital doser

Dosing with 19 grams on:
Volume: 32 grams.

Time/extraction....I left that issued open and depeded on appearance and taste.

Same techniques was used for all shoots, so we acually wanted to look how the espresso reacted when brewed...and off cause,,,how it tasted.

All shoots was brewed on a Lamarzocco GB5 with flow restrictor.

The experiement was very interesting:

  1. The old twin model made a decent espresso, acidity was pleasent, although some of the body missed out..and had a major problem - it clumbs too much when grinding. First drop in the cup appeared after 5 sec. and started to blond already after 18 sec. finished the shoot at 23 sec.
  2. The new twin model on the other hand didnt clumb. The new improvements is far much better now, compared too the old model. BUT...the taste was a lot worse than the old model....it tasted ashy and the shoot reacted very agressively. The coffee when grinded seemed very fluffy had a bigger volume - which required a harder collapsing of the coffee in order to have 19 g. in the portafilter...the first drop appeared after 5 sec. and started to blond after 17 sec. ended at 22 sec. After 17 sec. it started to blond very suddently - no smooth change from dark/brown to white....
  3. K1o Compaq...my second favorite but I guess now a days noone uses doserchamber anymore with these advanced grinders which are on the marked...the coffee did without any doubt tasted sweeter, had a pleasent body and fine acidity. It extracted longer than the other two twin grinders - I stopped it at 27 sec. and it didnt start to change colour before 22 sec.
  4. Mazzer.....the best result....the espresso extracted perfectly. The colour was nice and dark smooth until 26 sec and ending at 28 sec. Sweet and balanced espresso. Pleasent acidity and the mouthfeel was delisious. First drop appeared in the cup after 6 sec.

My preferred choise of grinder is without any doubt Mazzer. The same test will be made 4 days after, to recheck if the result has changed.....

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